The Church Missionary Society (CMS) is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. CMS works with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church Missionary Society (CMS) is a fellowship of Christian people and churches committed to global mission. CMS works with churches to set apart long-term workers who cross cultures to share the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
CMS comprises CMS – NSW & ACT[1] | CMS – Queensland with Northern NSW[2] | CMS – SANT[3] | CMS – Tasmania[4] | CMS – Victoria[5] | CMS – WA[6] | CMS – Australia[7].
This Privacy Policy covers how each CMS entity handles personal information. ‘Personal information’ is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
CMS is committed to protecting each individual’s personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Privacy Principles and as described in this Policy.
The nature of personal information CMS collects and retains
CMS collects personal information as is necessary for it to carry out its work.
Information CMS collects relates to:
- Applicants for and/or personnel in missionary service, employment and voluntary work, including volunteers for membership on boards and committees and volunteers for conferences, camps and events.
- Supporters, donors and members, including representatives of churches.
- Others including representatives from Australian and overseas churches, partner organisations and other organisations with whom CMS establishes memoranda of understanding.
Some of the personal information that CMS collects is sensitive information. Sensitive information includes information about an individual’s health and wellbeing, their ethnic origins, their Christian faith and involvement in Christian service and their financial details.
Collection of personal information
Personal information is collected with the individual’s consent where practicable. By submitting information to CMS an individual is consenting to the retention and use of that information by CMS for the purposes for which it is submitted.
Such purposes include (but are not limited to):
- Assessing suitability of an applicant for service or employment with CMS;
- Keeping individuals informed about matters that they have expressed an interest in, including the work of CMS in Australia and overseas and the ongoing support of this work.
Where personal information is provided to CMS other than at the request of CMS (unsolicited personal information) CMS will determine the appropriateness of retaining the information and will, if necessary either seek the individuals agreement for CMS to retain the information or will delete or destroy the information.
Nothing in the above precludes CMS collecting or retaining personal information where such is required by Australian law.
If an individual chooses not to provide CMS with personal information required then CMS may not be able to provide the information or services being sought.
CMS maintains procedures describing how and why it collects and retains personal information, the parties used to assist in this and the steps it takes to ensure compliance with this Policy.
Disclosure of personal information
An individual’s personal information may be disclosed to others by CMS where required for CMS to undertake its work and/or to comply with Australian law.
Such disclosure will either be in accordance with the consent given by the individual when the information was collected or as might be reasonably anticipated in the circumstances in which the personal information is provided to CMS. If CMS is unsure it will seek consent before disclosing the information.
CMS may disclose personal information to third party service providers, agents, contractors or those organisations with whom CMS has partnership agreements or memoranda of understanding. Such parties may be overseas. Where information is so provided CMS will require those parties provide suitable protection of the personal information provided to them.
Personal information provided to one part of CMS (e.g. a Branch) may be disclosed to another part of CMS (e.g. CMS-Australia) where so required and in accordance with the original purpose for which the personal information was received.
CMS maintains procedures describing its disclosure of personal information and the steps it takes to ensure compliance with this Policy.
Specific matters
Where CMS collects information from an individual for the explicit purpose of keeping the individual informed about the missionaries they support then this information is used by CMS for what would be regarded as ‘direct marketing’. Where used for this purpose CMS provides a simple means by which an individual may request not to receive information for that purpose.
CMS maintains a website that makes use of ‘cookies’. Session cookies identify the individual if they have been granted log-in access to the site and are logged in. Persistent cookies are stored on the individual’s computer, contain an expiration date, and are used to improve the individual’s experience in using the website.
Protection of personal information
CMS takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information it collects and retains from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, alteration and/or disclosure.
Steps include physical measures, computer security measures, training of personnel, confidentiality agreements and access restrictions.
CMS takes reasonable steps to ensure that personal information sent to an overseas recipient is handled in a manner so as not to breach Australian Privacy Principles.
CMS maintains procedures describing its protection of personal information, the higher standard it applies to the protection of sensitive information, and the steps it takes to ensure compliance with this Policy.
Should a data breach occur that CMS assesses as having potential to cause serious harm to an individual, then CMS recognises its obligation to report the breach including informing the affected individual of the breach along with any action it recommends the individual takes.
Access to and update of personal information
CMS takes reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it retains is accurate, complete and up-to-date. CMS also relies on individuals to advise it of any changes to their personal information in a timely manner.
An individual may request to access their personal information held by CMS, subject to legal restrictions, exemptions and/or other reasons why access to information cannot be granted. Where such restriction, exemption or other reason exists CMS will advise the individual of those reasons at the time of their request. Access is arranged by contacting the CMS Privacy Officer in the individual’s state or territory.
While CMS does not charge an individual to access their personal information they should be aware that CMS may charge a reasonable fee (which will be advised when a request is made) for time and expenses if an extended amount of time is required to collate and prepare material and/or files are required to be photocopied.
Privacy complaints
Complaints or feedback to CMS in relation to its compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles and/or this policy should be directed to the CMS Privacy Officer in the individual’s state or territory.
CMS will undertake to investigate and seek to resolve an individual’s complaint in a timely manner. If the individual is not satisfied with the outcome they may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner.
Contact with CMS in regards to this Policy should be directed to the CMS Privacy Officer in the applicable state or territory.
- CMS NSW & ACT — (02) 9267 3711
- CMS Queensland with Northern NSW — (07) 3112 6530
- CMS SANT — (08) 8212 4838
- CMS Tasmania — 0438 590 559
- CMS Victoria — (03) 9894 4722
- CMS WA — 0497 168 935
- CMS Australia — (02) 9284 6777
Further contact information is available at or choose your branch from the list in the top right corner of the website.
Changes to this policy
CMS may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, with the current Privacy Policy being the posted on the CMS website.
Approved by: CMS-A BOARD RESOLUTION on 6 April 2018.
Download a pdf of this policy.
[1] Church Missionary Society NSW & ACT Ltd, ABN 86 967 991 031
[2] Church Missionary Society Queensland with Northern NSW, ABN 36 995 125 066
[3] The Church Missionary Society – South Australia Inc, ABN 90 313 055 304
[4] Church Missionary Society – Tasmania Inc, ABN 91 432 386 576
[5] Church Missionary Society – Victoria Inc, ABN 34 576 126 129
[6] Church Missionary Society – WA Inc, ABN 65 969 248 213
[7] Church Missionary Society – Australia Limited, ABN 58 584 532 336